Class Index



AutoCompleteNoteEditor A subclass of AutoCompleteTextView with additional features, such as options to draw lines, color margins, gradient color background, etc to simulate notepad paper. 


BubbleTextView TextView that draws a bubble behind the text. 


CircularProgressBar A custom ProgressBar with circular progress indicators that allows easy customization, such as changing the progress colors, pattern overlay, etc. 
ColorBox Custom view that show a box with certain color. 
ColorButton A Button widget with tinted/colorized background. 
ColorImageButton An ImageButton widget with tinted/colorized background. 
ColorPickerAlertDialog A subclass of AlertDialog for choosing color. 
ColorPickerDialog Dialog for choosing color. 
ColorPickerInterfaces Provide the contracts and objects related to com.droidux.widget.color color widgets. 
ColorPickerInterfaces.Listeners Contains interfaces to be implemented by listeners to events raised by com.droidux.widget.color color widgets. 
ColorPickerInterfaces.Listeners.OnColorChangedListener Represents a listener to be notified when the color has changed. 
ColorPickerInterfaces.Listeners.OnColorDialogListener Represents a listener to be notified when events are raised by color dialogs. 
ColorPickerInterfaces.Listeners.OnColorSelectedListener Represents a listener to be notified when new color has been selected. 
ColorPickerPanel Custom view for selecting color. 
ColorPickerPreference A Preference that allows user to select color. 


DroidUxCommonsLib A class to manage the registration of the component library. 


EnhancedProgressBar A custom ProgressBar that allows easy customization, such as changing the progress colors, clipping, pattern overlay, etc. 
EnhancedRatingBar A custom RatingBar that allows easy customization, such as changing the progress colors, pattern overlay, etc. 
EnhancedSeekBar A custom SeekBar that allows easy customization, such as changing the progress colors, pattern overlay, etc. 


MultiAutoCompleteNoteEditor A subclass of MultiAutoCompleteTextView with additional features, such as options to draw lines, color margins, gradient color background, etc to simulate notepad paper. 


NoteEditor A subclass of EditText with additional features, such as options to draw lines, color margins, gradient color background, etc to simulate notepad paper. 
NoteInterface Represents contracts that need to be implemented by notes widgets. 
NoteView A subclass of TextView with additional features, such as options to draw lines, color margins, gradient color background, etc to simulate notepad paper. 


RotarySelector Custom view that presents up to two items that are selectable by rotating a semi-circle from left to right, or right to left. 
RotarySelector.OnDialTriggerListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the dial is "triggered" by rotating it one way or the other. 


ScrollableTabActivity An activity that contains and runs multiple embedded activities or views. 
ScrollableTabHost This widget enhances the TabHost widget with scroll and fling gestures. 
ScrollableTabHost.OnTabChangeListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when tab changed  
ScrollableTabHost.TabContentFactory Makes the content of a tab when it is selected. 
ScrollableTabHost.TabSpec A tab has a tab indicator, content, and a tag that is used to keep track of it. 
ScrollableTabWidget This widget is an enhancement of the TabWidget that can contain more tabs than can fit on screen at once and scroll over them. 
ScrollableTabWidget.OnTabSelectionChangedListener Let TabHost know that the user clicked on a tab indicator. 
SlidingTab A special widget containing two Sliders and a threshold for each. 
SlidingTab.OnTriggerListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a tab is triggered by moving it beyond a threshold. 


UrlImageCache A cache that holds the downloaded web images. 
UrlImageCache.Default Default implementation of the UrlImageCache. 
UrlImageView Extends the ImageView to work with remote/web images.