DroidUxLayoutsLib | A class to manage the registration of the component library. |
FastBitmapDrawable | A simple Drawable to draw bitmap object. |
FloorBounceAnimation | An animation that controls the distance from the floor. |
MaskedDrawable | A Drawable that draw another drawable onto a given mask, using PorterDuffXfermode with SRC_IN. |
MaskedLayout | Layout with a maskable viewport. |
ReflectionDrawable | A Drawable that adds a reflection to another drawable. |
ReflectionLayout | ReflectionLayout is a layout container that will add a reflection to its child view. |
RoundedCornerLayout | Layout with a rounded corner viewport. |
ViewFlipper3D | A ViewFlipper with a 3D flip animation. |
WrapperViewInterface | Represents a View that wraps another view. |