Class Index



ActionDrawer A slide-out view, usually used to provide a menu of actions that allows users to switch between views of your app. 
ActionDrawer.Builder Use this class to build and customize the action drawer. 
ActionDrawer.Callback Callback interface for action drawer. 
ActionDrawer.DrawerMode Determines whether the drawer will be overlaid by the activity's content (exclusive action bar) or the whole window (inclusive action bar)  
ActionDrawer.DrawerPosition Determines the position of the drawer. 
ActionDrawer.OnDrawerStateChangeListener Listener for receiving events when the action drawer state has changed. 
ActionDrawer.OnDrawingListener A listener to be notified when the drawer, content and arrow are being drawn. 
ActionInterfaces Provides the contracts and objects related to action widgets. 
ActionInterfaces.Item Contains objects that represent the actions. 
ActionInterfaces.Item.ActionItem Represents the action that the user can act upon. 
ActionInterfaces.Item.ActionItem.OnActionListener Represents a listener to be notified when the action is executed. 
ActionInterfaces.Layout Contains interfaces used in the layout process of action widgets. 
ActionInterfaces.Layout.ActionLayoutInterface Represents the contracts to be implemented by action windows for use in the layout process. 
ActionInterfaces.Layout.AppBarLayoutInterface Represents the contracts to be implemented by com.droidux.widget.appbar AppBar widgets for use in the layout process. 
ActionInterfaces.Window Contains interfaces related to action windows. 
ActionInterfaces.Window.ActionWindowInterface Represents the contracts to be implemented by action windows. 
ActionInterfaces.Window.PopupWindowInterface Represents the contracts to be implemented by widgets that use PopupWindow
ActionInterfaces.Window.PopupWindowPlacement Decides where the popup window should be placed relative to its anchor view/point. 
ActionPathMenu An action menu that layouts its items along a circular or linear path. 
ActionPathMenu.AnimationFactory A factory class to provide various animation used by the ActionPathMenu widget. 
ActionPathMenu.CircularLayoutBuilder The helper class to build a circular path menu. 
ActionPathMenu.LinearLayoutBuilder The helper class to build a linear path menu. 


DroidUxActionLib A class to manage the registration of the component library. 
DropDownMenu An action widget that appears as a drop-down/pull-down menu


EnhancedColorAppBar An enhanced application/action bar with support to colorize the background drawable (see setTintColor(int)). 


MultiPageDashboard A dashboard widget that can host more actions than the StandardDashboard widget. 


QuickActionBar An action widget that presents a set of actions in a scrollable bar (see here for example). 
QuickActionGrid An action widget that presents a set of actions in a grid (see here for example). 
QuickActionList A custom view/widget that shows a list of action items. 
QuickPopover A custom view/widget that can be used to display arbitrary view. 
QuickTooltip A custom view/widget to show a tooltip. 


SegmentedButtonGroup This widget represents a set of segments/buttons which is used to create a multiple-exclusion scope. 

This set of layout parameters defaults the width and the height of the children to WRAP_CONTENT when they are not specified in the XML file. 


Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the checked segmented button changed in this group. 

StandardAppBar A standard application/action bar that can be used to replace the default Android title bar, following guideline and design pattern explained here, here and here
StandardColorAppBar A simplified version of StandardAppBar that use a gradient of color as background. 
StandardDashboard A standard implementation of a dashboard widget.