Class Index



ActionDrawer A slide-out view, usually used to provide a menu of actions that allows users to switch between views of your app. 
ActionDrawer.Builder Use this class to build and customize the action drawer. 
ActionDrawer.Callback Callback interface for action drawer. 
ActionDrawer.DrawerMode Determines whether the drawer will be overlaid by the activity's content (exclusive action bar) or the whole window (inclusive action bar)  
ActionDrawer.DrawerPosition Determines the position of the drawer. 
ActionDrawer.OnDrawerStateChangeListener Listener for receiving events when the action drawer state has changed. 
ActionDrawer.OnDrawingListener A listener to be notified when the drawer, content and arrow are being drawn. 
ActionDrawerToggle This class provides a handy way to tie together the functionality of ActionDrawer and the framework ActionBar to implement the recommended design for navigation drawers. 
ActionDrawerToggle.DelegateProvider Allows an implementing Activity to return an ActionDrawerToggle.Delegate to use with ActionBarDrawerToggle. 


LegacyActionDrawerToggle This class is deprecated. Please use ActionDrawerToggle for compatibility with the "material" design (Android 5.0 Lollipop, or AppCompat v7 r21+). This class provides a handy way to tie together the functionality of ActionDrawer and the framework ActionBar to implement the recommended design for navigation drawers.

To use ActionDrawerToggle, create one in your Activity and call through to the following methods corresponding to your Activity callbacks:

Call syncState() from your Activity's onPostCreate to synchronize the indicator with the state of the linked ActionDrawer.

If the drawer's mode is set to WINDOW_OVERLAY, you must also call the onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState(android.os.Parcelable) in the Activity's onSaveInstanceState(android.os.Bundle) and onRestoreInstanceState(android.os.Parcelable). If the drawer's mode is set to CONTENT_OVERLAY, the drawer state will be automatically saved and restored.

ActionDrawerToggle can be used directly as a ActionDrawer.OnDrawingListener, or if you are already providing your own listener, call through to each of the listener methods from your own.